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Naturopathic Medicine

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What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct health care profession that emphasizes prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage and promote the human body’s inherent, intelligent self-healing process. The practice of naturopathic medicine combines the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science and evidence-based research.


Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

Six fundamental principles form the foundation of naturopathic medical practice:


  1. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae):

    • Naturopathic medicine recognizes the body has an inherent self-healing process that is ordered and intelligent. Licensed Naturopathic Doctors act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery and to facilitate and augment each individual’s inherent self-healing process.

  2. Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam):

    • The Naturopathic Doctor seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms. 

  3. First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere):

    • Naturopathic Doctors follow three guidelines to avoid harming the patient:

      1. Utilize methods and medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat; 

      2. When possible, avoid the harmful suppression of symptoms; and

      3. Acknowledge, respect, and promote each individual’s self-healing process. 

  4. Doctor as Teacher (Docere):

    • Naturopathic Doctors educate their patients and encourage self-responsibility for health. They also recognize, employ, and explore the therapeutic potential of the doctor-patient relationship. 

  5. Treat the Whole Person:

    • Naturopathic Doctors treat each patient by taking into account individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and other factors. Since total health also includes spiritual health, naturopathic doctors encourage individuals to pursue their personal spiritual development. 

  6. Prevention:

    • Naturopathic Doctors emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity, and susceptibility to disease, and by making appropriate interventions in partnership with their patients to prevent illness.


Working Together

Naturopathic Consulting & Coaching 

Get a tailored plan of action that fits your wellness goals. This will include a comprehensive intake, wellness plan review, and follow ups based on your goals and health history. Dr. Kierstin utilizes her training as a Licensed Naturopathic Physician (VT) to create wellness plans that may include lifestyle recommendations, nutrition review, botanicals and nutraceuticals, and advocacy for further lab testing or functional lab testing if necessary.

Dr. Kierstin believes in looking at each person as a whole and keeps sustainable and realistic long-term change and outcomes in mind. 




Dr. Kierstin believes that everything is connected, from our mind, spirit, emotions, to our body and environment.

Now offering in-person sessions out of Ypsilanti's beautiful Bloodroot Herb shop located downtown at 208 W Michigan Ave, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.

(Please note there are stairs, if you need a more accessible option please either book virtual appointments (Naturopathic Consults) or for acupuncture services you can still schedule at Ann Arbor Community Acupuncture.)

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Getting Started

Let's bridge the gaps to well.


Free 15 Minute Introductory Call (virtual or phone)

Naturopathic clients start here so that we can see if working together is the right next step for you. 

We'll discuss your wellness goals, the support you are looking for, and

Dr. Kierstin will share her process and answer any questions you may have.



This first session is a video* session and requires zoom access so please be sure to have that set up ahead of time. You'll be emailed a link to the session once you've booked it. See you there!


*Phone chat is available upon request for those looking for in-person services, this is because all virtual care is done via video chat so video chat is preferred.


Choose Your Path

Once you have discussed the right path for you, you can schedule your next session.

For Naturopathic Consults, you'll start with the Initial Intake and Wellness Plan Review ($400 total to get started - includes both initial sessions).

Follow ups include Wellness coaching ($150) and Momentum Check-ins ($85) are typically scheduled every 2-3 weeks based on your Wellness Plan and needs.


We also offer a 6 month package that includes the first 2 sessions and 2 wellness coaching sessions a month for the remaining 5 months. This is a great choice for those looking for more accountability and guidance.

Putting the pieces back together, naturally using;

Behavior & Habits

Our patterns, behaviors and habits can impact our health. Let's see what's working and what we can shift to get you closer to your goals.

Beliefs and Values

I understand that without these guiding values, it's really challenging to make change and to stick with change. We also want to make sure the changes we make align with your beliefs and values. Let's get clear on what those are together.


Lifestyle can include your sleep, movement, diet, environment and more that can impact your health. Overtime we'll make gradual changes that are sustainable and work for you.

Relationships & Connection

Our relationships to others have been shown to be a big determinant in longevity and happiness. I want that for you. This is part of the interactive self where we'll see how we can strengthen those relationships and connections.


The food we eat can either help us or hinder us. It helps to supply our body with the building blocks necessary to support our organs and systems. Let's make sure you're nourishing yourself in a sustainable way that's personalized for you.

Botanical Medicine & Nutraceuticals

Sometimes we need a little extra help and support. As a trained Naturopathic Doctor, I have extensive training in botanical medicine and nutraceuticals. We'll use these as needed, I don't believe in over- using supplements but the right ones specifically for you can be a game changer.

Business Info


The best way to get more info for working together is by booking a free intro call. 

For speaking and workshop inquires, you can email me at:


Mondays: noon - 4pm
​​Tuesdays: 1pm - 7pm
​Thursdays: 10a.m.-4p.m.


Now seeing in-person clients out of Bloodroot Herb Shop located in Downtown Ypsilanti.

 208 W Michigan Ave, Ypsilanti, MI 48197


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208 W Michigan Ave

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

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Book a free 15 minute introductory call to get started.

Returning clients can log in below to schedule.

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